Monday, July 16, 2007

Bellingham Pride Parade and Festival 2007


Youtube videos.

Rainbow City Band

After Bellingham's Gay Pride March down Cornwall Avenue, the band preformed at Depot Market Square where over 1,000 people from many walks of life gathered for a festival that day. There were over 40 booths from various organizations and churches showing solidarity for gay rights.

Betty Desire Preforms

Small town drag show that's not in a bar. Kids in the audience. Has a family, folksy feel with a lot of heart in the community. It's at the Bellingham Gay Pride Festival in Depot Market Square; also home for Farmer's Market on other days. The Gay Pride Parade and Festival brought people from many walks of life. Betty Desire was one of several performers that day. Betty's son was also in the audience (from an earlier marriage) and believe it or not he has a grand child in California.
1 minute 15 seconds.

Of course, I rode my bike in the parade. Notice painted legs.

See page with more festival Memories.

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