Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Inertia, rather than love makes the world go around
The planet turns due to inertia. Also, inertia may be what runs governments and organizations. The world could use more love. Especially universal non possessive love.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Will people be bicycling in future centuries?
Bicycling wouldn't work for going between space colonies that may be built near the earth. Built as additions if our economy outgrows Earth.
Maybe people will bicycle within the environments of each space colony as well as still on Earth.
Also hard to say what humans will be like in several centuries. Will we still need exercise? Will our minds just be uploaded into computers and our lives be those of avatars interacting in cyberspace?
Still bicycling is pleasure even if one only need to take pills to tone a future body. Enjoyable like dancing is pleasure.
Hard to say whether this sort of artificial future will emerge, but in the present, bicycling is a wonderful way to get around here on Earth. Closer to what we remember as nature now. At least in the present and near future, bicycling is great.
Maybe people will bicycle within the environments of each space colony as well as still on Earth.
Also hard to say what humans will be like in several centuries. Will we still need exercise? Will our minds just be uploaded into computers and our lives be those of avatars interacting in cyberspace?
Still bicycling is pleasure even if one only need to take pills to tone a future body. Enjoyable like dancing is pleasure.
Hard to say whether this sort of artificial future will emerge, but in the present, bicycling is a wonderful way to get around here on Earth. Closer to what we remember as nature now. At least in the present and near future, bicycling is great.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Shorter workweek in BBC news
Someone in my friends list on Facebook posted this to his wall. Good idea even 32 hour week would be good.
Cut working week to 21 hours, urges think tank.
The foundation says the move would give more balanced working...
Cut working week to 21 hours, urges think tank.
The foundation says the move would give more balanced working...
Friday, February 12, 2010
Olympics in Vancouver
Nice to see Canada showcase to the world. A great democracy where even gay marriage is legal. Better than when China was showcased (2008 Olympics) amid all the controversy over human rights abuses. China produced a really big show. Big and regimented.
Maybe even Canada's show was too big. I had no plans to go near it, even though Vancouver is just a bike ride away (60 miles) from my place in Bellingham, WA. Rumors of sold out, expensive hotels abound. I'm not much for hype and competition anyway.
I think humbug, but opening ceremonies at BC Place Stadium was impressive. Especially the dancing and that whole audience waving lights. An ocean of lights across the stands. Like a show of democracy, or at least audience participation.
On some summers, I've biked past BC Place Stadium. Normally I think of the Olympics as being far away.
No plans to go near it and glad that the hype and expense remains, for the most part north of our border.
Still, the world can learn a lot from Canada.
Maybe even Canada's show was too big. I had no plans to go near it, even though Vancouver is just a bike ride away (60 miles) from my place in Bellingham, WA. Rumors of sold out, expensive hotels abound. I'm not much for hype and competition anyway.
I think humbug, but opening ceremonies at BC Place Stadium was impressive. Especially the dancing and that whole audience waving lights. An ocean of lights across the stands. Like a show of democracy, or at least audience participation.
On some summers, I've biked past BC Place Stadium. Normally I think of the Olympics as being far away.
No plans to go near it and glad that the hype and expense remains, for the most part north of our border.
Still, the world can learn a lot from Canada.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Obama's space proposal better than a strip mall
Privatizing human space flight is a good idea.
Can private enterprise do something loftier than the vast array of services we're accustomed to at strip malls from Starbucks to laundromats?
With government as a farsighted consumer, yes it can.
Obama's proposal for the future of US space travel could be a good blend of public and private initiative.
Government doing what it does well; long term vision (hopefully). Spending public dollars on things people wouldn't normally reach into their wallets for on the way through the drive through. Tonight's dinner and the quick cup of coffee make cash registers ring from market forces, but what about long term visions like going into space? Maybe not, except for some notable private ventures like SpaceShipOne.
That's where the long term interests of government can help out. The public sector can reach into a large wallet without expecting short term profit.
Government as a consumer can be motivated with long term vision, while private companies come up with a variety of innovative ways to get the job done.
Private enterprise can offer a better solution for human spaceflight than NASA's own government bureaucracy.
Obama has proposed scrapping the Project Constellation which seemed like kind of a repeat of Apollo moon flight technology. Constellation was part of the vision outlined by President Bush which would have had astronauts returning to the moon and preparing for travel to Mars.
Apollo was great when it flew, but maybe there's something newer than a slightly modified rerun of past triumph.
Constellation would have been expensive and it wasn't getting enough funding to continue without threatening to cannibalize other parts of NASA's budget. Other parts that are doing exciting things like looking for planets around neighboring stars in the galaxy.
There is a lot of intriguing science that is mostly coming from unmanned missions such as Kepler's search for extrasolar planets.
On the human spaceflight frontier, I remember reading something about SpaceShipOne's reentry system. It worked like a badminton birdie for slowing down the spacecraft upon reentering our atmosphere. This innovation seems less cumbersome than the heat shield of tiles on our Space Shuttle.
It's time to turn human spaceflight over to private enterprise, but keep the long term vision and wallet of government handy.
Can private enterprise do something loftier than the vast array of services we're accustomed to at strip malls from Starbucks to laundromats?
With government as a farsighted consumer, yes it can.
Obama's proposal for the future of US space travel could be a good blend of public and private initiative.
Government doing what it does well; long term vision (hopefully). Spending public dollars on things people wouldn't normally reach into their wallets for on the way through the drive through. Tonight's dinner and the quick cup of coffee make cash registers ring from market forces, but what about long term visions like going into space? Maybe not, except for some notable private ventures like SpaceShipOne.
That's where the long term interests of government can help out. The public sector can reach into a large wallet without expecting short term profit.
Government as a consumer can be motivated with long term vision, while private companies come up with a variety of innovative ways to get the job done.
Private enterprise can offer a better solution for human spaceflight than NASA's own government bureaucracy.
Obama has proposed scrapping the Project Constellation which seemed like kind of a repeat of Apollo moon flight technology. Constellation was part of the vision outlined by President Bush which would have had astronauts returning to the moon and preparing for travel to Mars.
Apollo was great when it flew, but maybe there's something newer than a slightly modified rerun of past triumph.
Constellation would have been expensive and it wasn't getting enough funding to continue without threatening to cannibalize other parts of NASA's budget. Other parts that are doing exciting things like looking for planets around neighboring stars in the galaxy.
There is a lot of intriguing science that is mostly coming from unmanned missions such as Kepler's search for extrasolar planets.
On the human spaceflight frontier, I remember reading something about SpaceShipOne's reentry system. It worked like a badminton birdie for slowing down the spacecraft upon reentering our atmosphere. This innovation seems less cumbersome than the heat shield of tiles on our Space Shuttle.
It's time to turn human spaceflight over to private enterprise, but keep the long term vision and wallet of government handy.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Old KWSC radio tower

Old KWSC radio tower in Pullman, WA. before 1970.
Only example of a radio tower with both guy wires and self supporting structure that I've seen.
Lower half of the tower is self supporting with no guy wires while the upper half uses guy wires that are stretched over 4 spacer bars. The wires were attached to tower's midpoint; kind of like a ship's mast.
Old KWSU Tower picture from WSU Libraries Collection.
Around 1970, this tower was replaced by the current KWSU tower that is west of town. Present tower is an example of guyed support from the ground up with no self supporting section; more typical in AM towers of modern times.
Call letters for KWSC were later changed to KWSU.
Before 1970, transmitter was in an old house quite a ways from the base of the tower. That house was down a hill and across an arterial called Stadium Way.
A long feed line from transmitter to tower presented some idiosyncrasies.
One day, the station was knocked off the air when someone practicing archery hit the line with his bow and arrow. I think it made national news, if my memory is correct.
Riding along Stadium Way in my parents car met having KWSC bleed in all up and down the dial of the car radio while passing under the transmission line.
The station also bled in on phone lines in Troy Hall where my dad had his office. Mozart would often be in the background of his phone conversations.
That was during my grade and middle school years.
Photo below taken from hillside several blocks east of where that tower stood. Tower was torn down in late 1970s or early 80s.
Right behind Troy is Johnson Tower where I visited a psychologist from late 8th grade through my high school years.

Monday, February 01, 2010
Trip through St. Joe's psychiatric ward was not bad, kind of like summer camp

Sleep deprivation was a big factor putting me into the hospital. Road construction near where I live was interrupting my normal sleep time. I should have gone to a part time work schedule during that month, of construction, but I didn't realize what was going to happen to me until too late.
Part of the reason why I'm in the slow lane is an inability to take the fast lane with it's hectic pace. It's not just "low carbon footprint," there are some medical reasons why I choose the slow lane as well.
Rather than just preaching at others about their fast lane living, I also marvel at it. "How can they juggle so much and not literally go into the nut house?"
I couldn't do the "long term commute, double job and take classes at the same time" routine.
Often, the inside of my mind feels like a fast lane.
The mind can be a microcosm of the nation.
Yes, it seems like there's a country in my head. Decisions made by committees of "voices," different interests jockeying for influence, an internal dialog.
There's even a stock market in my head. Am I having an up day?
Sometimes it feels like radio talk shows are jabbering inside me. Discussing how things in the real world will "play in the Peoria" of my inner world.
Remember that phrase, "how will it play in Peoria?"
Try driving with this going on in your head. Could be worse than a cellphone.
No wonder I don't try driving. Bicycling is slow enough for me.
What put me in the hospital
Early December 2009, the radio show in my mind sounded very real. Audio voices rather than just thoughts.
Normally, I realize that all this morass of thinking is just thoughts, but in December, the voices sounded more real.
It sounded like talk show personalities were having a discussion about my life in my ear.
I was worrying a bit more about work and other things. So called normal folks might not react the same way, but worry is fairly common for me.
For most of a week, my life remained fairly normal, but voices and other odd things would come and go.
Then, as I awoke on December 12, I couldn't tell if it was a dream or reality.
Last time I remember such a daze was after a marijuana brownie in the early 1980s. That's why I don't use pot much, it was a paranoid trip, but that was back then.
This was something else and there were no drugs in my system.
Most of December 12, I was in a confused state. My mind was spinning with thoughts about possibly entering something like a parallel universe.
Eventually, I was wondering the streets of downtown Bellingham in a daze.
Soon a friend found me.
Good thing a lot of folks around town know me.
He ask, "are you OK?" and my answer had his wife dialing 911 on her cellphone.
Next thing I knew, the ambulance was there.
It was surrealistic.
Then I thought I might be making a movie about randomness in the universe as I rode in the ambulance.
They rushed me to Saint Joe's Hospital, North Campus.

I wasn't much help talking a mile a minute about random parabolas and wondering if I was in Quito Ecuador, for some reason.
My guess is, they wanted to run tests to see if I was on drugs before doing much because adding anymore drugs to my system could be bad.
Well, the test came back that there were no drugs or alcohol in my system so they started some medication.
I got better and was talking more rationally to the nurses. Then started to fall asleep, which is what I needed most.
About that time, a Whatcom County mental health specialist became available so a nurse woke me up again to talk to him. I think he came to help plan the follow up strategy for what happens after leaving the emergency room. Should I be released? What kind of follow up should there be?
Being woken up again put me back into the crazy state and I didn't make any sense talking to him. After he went to consult with other staffers, I left the bed and crouched on the floor which had nurses scrambling. Eventually they got me back into the bed and I got a small shot to the leg. An anti psychotic and probably an anti anxiety mix.
My last memory of that odd day was being wheeled down some hall, but I was soon sound asleep. That's what I really needed most.
When I came to, a few hours later, my rationality (if it exists now) was back. It felt good; like waking up from a bad dream. It was next day and I was in a quiet hospital room. It felt good to be back to normal thinking again.
Sleep was the cure.
Involuntary confinement to the psychiatric ward wasn't bad
Next, I ventured into the hall from my room. "Yes, this is the hospital." "There's a nursing station to the right."
As I wondered what would happen next, a kind man approached me and said, "would you like the newspaper?" It seemed like having a complimentary paper at some classy hotel. They looked around the coffee tables in the hall, but no interesting newspaper was found.
More interesting than a newspaper, at that point, was the followup plan for me that they decided on. They decided to get a commitment to the psychiatric ward. This was located at Saint Joe's South Campus (since that time, the psychiatric program been moved to Main Campus). They explained that state law only allows them to commit someone to 72 hours, or less, unless there is a hearing, so I would most likely be in less than 72 hours since I seemed to be coming out of what ever that episode was pretty quickly.
It meant another ambulance trip down to South Campus, but I wouldn't have to pay for any of it because it was legally a non voluntary confinement. The cost of that South Campus stay was covered by government. I think the whole plan was partially based on hospital staff people looking for ways they could get me some services and save me money. There was some brainstorming about community resources going on and this seemed like the best, and least costly idea for me.
I went along with the idea. I was doing well enough, at this point, that they could have released me, but the paperwork and the inertia was already in place to head down to South Campus.
I called in sick from work. If nothing else, being sent to South Campus is a break from one's daily routine. Sort of like going on vacation.

South Campus was like a summer camp. I had my own room. There was meal time, group time and art class. There was various appointments with a public defender, social worker, psychiatrist and plenty to keep one occupied.
I called it "Club Med;" a take off on the resort called Club Med, but in this case the med stands for medical. Club Med resorts used to have a radio ad calling themselves "the antidote for civilization."
Everyone seemed quite nice including the patients. The social worker was especially good.
Really, it was like a summer camp. Structured interaction.
There were quite a few rules, but not enforced harshly.
With no Internet access on the ward, I figured out how to put my Wednesday Dinner announcement out, from inside the unit. It was a short newsletter just to say where that week's dinner was located. Taco Lobo in Bellingham.
Problem solving is one way toward mental health. I used the phone to call one of my newsletter readers and talk him through the process of putting out the newsletter. He checked his email and confirmed, by phone, that the newsletter had come out. Then the social worker at the hospital offered to get a print out for me from the ward office computers that were off limits to patients.
Two confirmations that the "work around" worked.
Art time was most interesting. People used coloring pens and then shared the meaning of their creations. One of my art pieces I did was about an old radio tower in Pullman, WA. where I grew up. Folks on the "outside" should have art sharing time more often.
I got out of South Campus early. They released me before the full 72 hour confinement order was up. No need for a detention hearing. That would have been scheduled if they had wanted to keep me over 72 hours.
Several folks gave me the "high five handshake" for getting out early.

Photo: Sign for things at South Campus. I don't see "psych ward" listed. "Behavioral Health Services" must be a more politically correct title.
It was a bit sad leaving as there were some good folks at the "camp," both staff and patients. On the other hand, I was glad to get out and start putting my life back together.
Did I leave my heater on when I left my home that strange day? Could I get my desk top computer running again? For some strange coincidence, my computer gave out that day.

They offered me taxi service, but I wanted to walk. It wasn't far back to my home.
I was released with a bag of forms and artwork. Luckily not a bag of bills.
My employer found that I had accrued 35 sick days over the years I've worked as a custodian. Paid sick days. He said, "Enjoy the holidays."
Christmas vacations were good memories from grade school.
I didn't plan to burn up all my 35 days, but taking around 12 days made the holidays for me.
Too bad so many people have to work right through the holidays, I took a break. It was more like a holiday than sick time. Remember, mental illness is different from physical illness. One of the first things I did was get on my bike and head out to Larabee State Park. Quiet along the trails.
Back home, quiet is what the doctor ordered. Time to catch up on sleep. Also fielding calls, emails and Facebook comments form various folks and family members.
Do I need ongoing medication?
White noise from fan of this air filter helps sleep.

Some mornings (I sleep in the morning due to night shift work) I sleep fine without any pill. If sleep is difficult on other mornings, the pill helps. About a year after getting out, I didn't get a refill on the pills and don't need them anymore.
Rebuilding a bit
During Christmas Vacation, it was time to go shopping for myself. Maybe this sounds selfish, but time to bolster my being.

These are Dr. Dean Edell Glasses. Cost less than $20. What a difference clean lenses can make.
Strange co-incidence
My desktop computer gave out also. It's last functionality was early AM on December 12. When I woke up the next noon in a weird state, my computer stopped working also.
Corrupted boot disk? Ghost of a person I knew who had died? My own illness infecting the computer?
Back from hospital, I tried to reinstall Windows, but to no avail.
At least my data is backed up on CD Rom and all my web pages are on-line.
Next idea; carry computer down to store and see if they can figure it out.
I had another computer that could serve as a backup.
My Asus notebook which is used for checking mail from WIFI spots during bicycle tours.
Problem is, I forgot the WIFI password to get into my own modem.
Run to the Swan Cafe for WIFI?
No, how about sorting my box of computer stuff.
There I found the document with the password. Part of getting well is taking the time to organize my things. There's the old phrase "garbage in, garbage out."
Soon I was up and running with Linux as that's what the Asus was using.

Even my wooden desk had been neglected. Still standing but wobbly with a broken leg.
Hardware Sales has computer desks of various styles. I walked out there and bought one. Could have rolled it down the street about 1/2 mile, but such treatment is hard on casters.
Another desk was still in the box. How does one get a large box home from the store without a car?
They let me borrow a dolly and I rolled it all home from the store. Then I rolled the dolly back.
Meanwhile, computer store calls and the verdict is, "no problem with boot sector." Everything on hard drive is fine, but several things on motherboard gave out. They could replace a few chips and get things running again, but it's a "work around" patch at best. A patch to get new technology talking to the old technology inside the motherboard. Technology has advanced so far since I got that computer.
For not that much more money, I could have a brand new computer with 4 times the memory and processor speed of my old system.
The old system did well surviving 4 years in the harsh environment of my room where it often must warm up in 55 degree air. Temp change can be hard on microchips. Also lights can go out when downstairs neighbor plugs toaster into wrong plug.
Time to also get a surge suppressor with storage battery backup. Helps me ride out the few minutes when breakers in this building snap.
Since that year, I've moved into a nicer apartment. Moved as of 2013. Luckily my rent remains reasonable.
The computer store had my old Windows XP back up and running. I brought it home to reinstall my programs from CDs and the net.
I had plenty of time to get this new computer going and assemble my new desk. It really was like a Christmas vacation.
The rest of Christmas "Vacation;" actually sick leave.
Then there were some parties to go to.
Christmas and New Year's Dinners were buffets at Best Western Inn (glad the buffet staff was still working).
There was a Solstice celebration, and a friend's New Year's gathering.
After New Year's, my Christmas vacation was over and I was back to work all refreshed; for a while at least.
Taking time off and getting enough sleep is a good idea. I may have a lower tolerance for not getting enough sleep than most people. We could all use a few breaks at times. Society doesn't have to be a rat race.
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