My health tips
Dancing. Possibly the best way to stay in shape.
Comments about mild eroticism (outercourse) from blog
Polyamory, not putting all your hopes in one intense basket
How the naked bike ride can lead to motivation
Bicycling catchall label
Bike to work day blog label

Picture taken by a friend at a foam dance party.
Biking and city planning
Gallery of bike paths
Bike around Bellingham
Bike lanes
Light bulbs Bike lights and other.
Urban and regional planning
Gallery of funny road signs From web site.
Road signs from blog
Gallery of bridge pictures
Gallery of power plant pictures
Taming parking and a good garage in Spokane
About these cities
Bellingham, WA., Where I live.
Biking around Bellingham
Blog label on Bellingham Pictures, routes, experiences.
Bellingham waterfront redevelopment Old GP site.
Georgia Pacific pulp mill, Waterfront redevelopment.
Some Bellingham history
Vancouver BC,
Pullman WA., Where I was born.
Gallery of Palouse wheat field pictures
Picture of Vancouver, BC.
The media
About radio
Gallery of radio towers
Communicating on the internet, a step above broadcasting.
Blog label religion
Gay rights
Picture taken by a friend at a rally in Olympia.

Gay rights
My archive of my Bellingham Gay Pride Festival photos
Bellingham GLBT guide
Christmas, Thanksgiving and other holidays
Blog label on Christmas
The Fourth of July
Peace, war, politics and so forth
Space and the need for a frontier Radio telescope near Penticton, BC.
Space exploration
Solutions to global warming. Both high tech and slowing down. Less rat race.
Downshifting for less rat race,
Working less, more free time,
What is gay environmentalism?
Reducing the population explosion
Better accommodation of immigration by planning around population
Global warming
Why it's been hard to notice global warming

Why oil prices go up
Price uncertainty and car industry
Need for gas tax
Should we still develop fossil fuels as a bridge to the future?
Safer cars, Google cars
Sustainable economics
Divergent inflation rates,
One size fits all interest rates no longer work?
How the housing bubble harms the environment
Rental solution to distressed mortgages
How organizations try and out compete one another raising executive salaries
Why it's so easy to run up the national debt
Why we need government
Contradiction in right to life thinking
Why we need sliding scale healthcare
Teacher pay
My all economics label
Sculpture in historic mill district, Bend, Oregon.
More about me
Pictures of me in my blog
My history
When I have been in the news
Cover of Friday Magazine supplement in Bellingham Herald, 1984.
Use search bar at top of blog to search within this blog for whatever words you think of. For instance, "Hillary."