Not really.
It's just a thick pole that also serves as cell phone tower. These are quite common.
No the nation's not going crazy, or maybe it is. People drive too much while talking on the phone. Maybe they should stop driving and just keep talking.
Instead of "hang up and drive" we could say "park it and talk."
Macho folks might say, "but what does talk accomplish?"
One could answer, "talk burns few resources." Also, "talking can be less costly than fighting traffic, fighting wars."
Talk and walk rhyme. Say, "walk the talk."
Think about it. Walk the talk.
Or how about "walk and talk." Then there is "walkie-talkie."
Talk, even if you don't have a cell phone.
Words never did as much damage as a few actions did. Talking is not bad at all, in fact, it's even healthy, but i don't think it's healthy to be talking while driving. Maybe you have got to talk more and drive less. Or drive more and not talk at all.
There are bumper stickers that say "Hang up and Drive" at the Shell station, Cook Road exit, Sedro Woolley, someone told me. If not Shell, try the other store at that exit. He told me they were $2. Maybe we should have a bumper sticker that says "Wanna talk on your cell? Take the bus!" ---Jean
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