Pictured above are Ken Freeman and Laya, who I often dance around at something called the Purple Church. Ken is past 70 as of 2006. Celebrated 80th birthday 2014. He still can look like a bright billboard proclaiming what fun dancing is. Ken basically started the dance gathering that is now called Purple Church. In the beginning, it was Fairhaven Undisco.
Pictured below is another friend who is on the younger end of the age spectrum. He goes to the dance also, at times. I joined him for a bike ride out to North Lake Samish where he's pictured threading the wire of an MP3 player to his ear for music.

It is nice to be able to dance with people of many different ages and interests; rather than being confined to one partner; as in a couples dance. Great when the big group is dancing together, or everyone is by themselves dancing around one another.
When I was a kid, I remember the old roller skating rink, down in Lewiston Idaho, that my scout troop used to go to. There was a "couples only" light that would go on every fourth song or so. We had to sit on the sidelines during those periods.
I was never very good at skating anyway.
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