Thursday, January 16, 2025

An idea for reducing conflict between landowners when siting wind turbines.

Here is an idea I thought of today. Financial proceeds from leases for wind turbans could be paid to a special district, rather than individual land owners. Then all the landowners in the district could divvy up the proceeds.

Reason I think of this is I can guess that some of the opposition to wind energy comes from property owners who's land is less desirable for wind energy. Maybe they resent neighbors who's land is more desirable. Financial benefits could be shared with all in the area; even those with no wind farms on their land.

Wind farms do have some impact on the view, wildlife and so forth. I've heard the phrase, "there ain't no free lunch." At the same time, there are things that may need to be done for the greater good; such as energy production.

I've also heard that one turbine in one of the Snake River hydroelectric dams can produce as much power as over 200 wind mills.

Still, I sometimes think of windmills as being like modern art sculptures. As long as we are using energy, there is some price to pay, though wind farms may not be the best alternative. They do dot large portions of the landscape. Solar may be the best alternative energy in many cases.

There is now lots of arguing over the potential siting of another wind farm in the Palouse Region of Washington near where I grew up.

Eastern Washington has many wind turbines. It seems like there are very few in more densely populated Western Washington.

With my interest in geography, I realize that much of Washington State's power comes the eastern part of the state. Big power lines cross the Cascade Mountains.

Much of the power comes from dams on the Columbia and other rivers. Some of the power comes from a nuclear reactor in the Hanford Reservation. Solar is a growing source also. Here in Bellingham, many homes have rooftop solar panels.

My photos from various bicycle tours over the years.
Wind turbine in distance near Ellensburg, WA. Power line near Snoqualmie Tunnel. Generators at Lower Monumental Dam. Palouse wheatfields near Colfax, WA. Solar panels on restaurant in Palouse, WA.

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