Wednesday, February 05, 2025

How good is Blue Sky Social as an alternative to other platforms?

I am starting to, somewhat reluctantly, learn how to post in a "sound byte" world, due to my new account on Blue Sky Social.

I often use that to link to my own blog for more nuance. I also use it to point out articles in other media, or my own photos on Flickr.

I think Blue Sky is more of an alternative to X than it is an alternative to Facebook. If Blue Sky were to have a division that worked like Facebook, it would be a great alternative to Facebook.

In the past, alternatives to Facebook; such as Ello, never got off the ground. This, due to privacy curtains around friend groups. Newcomers to the platform, didn't have networks of friends already established so it was lonely out there on the frontier.

Facebook got started early, so the friend networks are well established and hard to reconstruct elsewhere.

I still to keep using Facebook due to the warmth of the friend networks here. That is hard to beat elsewhere.

Blue Sky does have a good chance to "get going big time" due to having less, or maybe no, privacy curtains preventing newcomers from interacting with folks across the platform. I think the feeds on Blue Sky are visible on the open web also so they can be "spidered" by Google and other search engine's giant databases.

I'm very trusting of an open platform because I would not put anything on social media, including Facebook, that I wouldn't want to see published in national media.

On the other hand, I doubt national media is likely to come looking for little me here in Bellingham (where?) WA. In Washington State, we keep having to remind world folks that we live in "the other Washington," versus Washington, DC.

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