Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Voting is among the most important things an individual can do to effect change.

I tend to think that the US would be better off if people were lived less consumptive lives, were less NIMBY against things like affordable housing, use alternative transit more and so forth. More important than all the above things is probably voting.

Quite a few people feel that there is little difference between Democrats and Republicans. This could be true, or it could just be a self fulfilling prophecy. Voting for a less than totally ideal candidate is usually better than not voting at all.

Of course there are some people who don't like the status quo so they think America needs "shock therapy," I guess. That makes some sense, but I still think voting makes a difference.

It is hard to be motivated to vote as each person is, basically, just one drop in the big bucket. Still, It's something I try and do and I like staying informed on the issues, versus football scores, for instance.

There are some issues I leave blank, on a ballot as admittedly some of it can be tedious to try and figure out. School boards? Judges?

It can be hard to read through the material. I still vote on what I have opinions on.

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